
Flash tutorial for programmers

I am a programmer with a relatively good background programming in ActionScript using Flash Builder. However, I have been handed a FLA file meant to be opened in Flash CS 4, and I have to add开发者_Go百科 some code to it, but this is the first time I've ever used this software in my life.

After I opened the file, I was greeted by a quite unhelpful interface (maybe it's friendly for artists?), and I immediately had questions such as:

  1. How can I edit the source code?
  2. How do I run the program?
  3. How is the source code organized?
  4. Where is the entry point of the program?
  5. How can I do source control of these files?

I've been looking at flash tutorials online, but every tutorial starts with drawing shapes, tweening, the timeline, etc. Honestly, I don't care about any of those things (they've already been done by people at the design team).

I already know how to code in ActionScript, so what I need is a tutorial to give me a kickstart in coding -already designed- flash files using Flash (not Flash Builder).

Anybody knows of such a tutorial?

edit: I have been fighting against flash cs4 all day and I am very very disappointed with it. I thought I was good with technology, but it has been a really long time since I last found a tool so difficult to use and understand.

Sounds like you might need to start at the beginning, Flash is not an easy programme to just jump into.

Having ActionScripting knowledge is good but if you have never worked within the IDE you are going to really struggle.

For great tutorials you could have a look at www.flashkit.com I have learnt a lot from there and the people are very helpful in the forums.

Quote: I've been looking at flash tutorials online, but every tutorial starts with drawing shapes, tweening, the timeline, etc. Honestly, I don't care about any of those things (they've already been done by people at the design team).

You should really learn each of these things too, do a tutorial on each. Fair enough, it's already been done for you on this project but unless you know what's going on it will just continue to frustrate you, sorry.

Book: This book really helped me get started it's old now but maybe you could get a cheap ebook of it from somewhere. "Flash MX ActionScript: The Designer's Edge". The fundamentals will be the same.

Tutorials: Flashkit actionscripting section... http://www.flashkit.com/tutorials/Actionscripting/

First is it As2.0 or 3.0?

When you open your fla you should see the objects in the library, a timeline and a stage. You can add code straight into a keyframe in the timeline which is the preferred method in AS2.0 and the only method in AS3.0 (other than external files). This can be accessed by right clicking the keyframe and selecting the 'actions' options, (near the bottom). There is also a hotkey, F9, or 'fn' + F9 on mac I think. You can also just open the actions panel by selecting it in the 'view' menu in the top menu bar. In AS2.0 and below you can add code directly onto objects such as movieclips or buttons but this is not-advised as you cannot do it in AS3.0.

I hope this helps :)

I would suggest you take another look at the tutorials you disregarded earlier. You can probably skip the portions regarding how to use the drawing tools, but most of them will include some sort of explanation of the timeline and the set-up of the Flash IDE. From there you will be able to move into editing the file, but without a knowledge of how the program works or how it is set up, editing it will be a nightmare. I would suggest the TotalTraining Flash CS4 video series - I think you can find it online and the lessons are broken down pretty specifically so you can just focus on the ones you will need to know.

First, with the file open in the Flash application, open File > Publish Settings. Click the Flash tab. Does it say Script: ActionScript 3.0 ? If so, you can proceed. But if it is 2.0, or 1.0, I think you should see if an experienced Flash jockey can be hired to fix it, because it would be a big waste of your time to learn an old version of AS -- the differences are severe, and also, in earlier versions you would need to dig down into the timeline and open multiple objects to find and edit the script.

If it is ActionScript 3.0, you need to determine whether you have all the script. In the timeline, is there a layer named "actions"? If so, click frame 1 in that layer. Then open Window > Actions to view that code on that frame.

But if there is no layer named "actions," again, I think a Flash jockey must be hired. The potential for insane spaghetti code is great with Flash, and as someone who is new to it, if you have a badly scripted file, it just would not be worth the time to try to unravel it.

If it is AS3 and all (or most of) the script is on frame 1, you will probably be able to work with it, as AS3 is a lot like JavaScript.

NOTE: Flash Lite 1.1 is NOT the version of ActionScript. It is the player that the file was scripted to run in.





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