
How to perform a javascript action right after redirect?

After a user creates an account on my website, I want to redirect the user to the home page and display a twitter style message bar on top. This is how I have it:

success: function (response) {
            if (response.Success) {
                location.href = response.ReturnUrl;


The message bar does appear but it gets displayed only for a second as it gets canceled by the redirect. What can I do to display the message right after the redirect has completed? Is there a complete event for the location.href? Thanks.

You need to pass it through a cookie, the quesrystring, or localStorage. Something like this using localStorage or cookies (localStorage is available in IE8+ and most other browsers):

on the current page:

if('localStorage' in window) 
    localStorage.setItem('message', response.Message);
else // use cookie

On the new page:

    if('localStorage' in window && !!localStorage['message']) {
    else // use cookie

If you are uncomfortable with these techniques there are jquery plugins that wrap this functionality. I would recommend jstorage.

This will need the Cookie plugin for jQuery:


Put this somewhere in the header of your homepage:

  if($.cookie("message")) {
    $.cookie("message", "any_value", { expires: -1 });

And in your success function:

success: function (response) {
        if (response.Success) {
            $.cookie("message", response.Message);
            location.href = response.ReturnUrl;

Once the url of a page changes all execution stops and is transferred to the new page. Pass a parameter to the new page that triggers the event you want instead.

Sounds to me like you would need to call ShowMessageBar() from the redirected URL.

You could send a parameter and check for its existence on document ready. Probably the easiest way of achieving the desired effect.

If you REALLY wanted to show the message, you could always throw it in an alert before you redirect them, which would halt execution until they clicked 'ok'.





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