
Gmail/Facebook chat - iframa, ajax, url anchors, but what about indexing?

I'm still not sure how it works(but it's not the point:D). As far as I noticed, whole content(almost:D) is in the iframe and chat window is outside iframe. Request are probably made via ajax, and urls are changing like this const_part_of_url#something - so the only url anchors(or whatever it's called) are changing.

2 things bothering me :

  • What about googlebot, is it able to index those pages correctly(not gmail, but say some web page with similar "technology" used), 1st beacuse of iframe, 2nd because of only anchor changes in urls?

  • Is it possible to make some part of url changing not only anchors?

The thing is I have an mp3 search engine where you can listen these mp3s too, and this kind of floating, "not-reloading" player with playlist would be kinda cool:D But I'm very concern about prop开发者_Go百科er page indexing and other SEO blah blah... so I don't really now if it's worth trying:D


you can detect robots and not feed them with user-eyes-only content ...

Edit : you can also load it on demand (javascript)... bots wont load it





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