msbuild override physical path of .sln file
I am looking for a way to override the release.aspnetcompiler.physical path element in the .sln file. Looking at the micrsoft msbuild reference it doesnt seem to be posible to override this specific output. I was wondering if anyone has passed in a physical path through a build script. My script is below. Thank you for your help
msbuild script
<Project xmlns="">
<Target Name="deploy">
<MSBuild Projects="foo.sln" Properties="Configuration=Release;OutDir=..\temp\;PhysicalPath=\fooBar" ContinueOnError="false" />
solution file
Project("{E24C65DC-7377-472B-9ABA-BC803B73C61A}") = "foo", ".", "{3D958438-10F1-4211-BC7F-F0A5E5601C3F}"
ProjectSection(WebsiteProperties) = preProject
TargetFramework = "3.5"
Debug.AspNetCompiler.VirtualPath = "/foo"
Debug.AspNetCompiler.PhysicalPath = "..\foo\"
Debug.AspNetCompiler.TargetPath = "..\..\PrecompiledWeb\foo\"
Debug.AspNetCompiler.Updateable = "true"
Debug.AspNetCompiler.ForceOverwrite = "true"
Debug.AspNetCompiler.FixedNames = "false"
Debug.AspNetCompiler.Debug = "True"
Release.AspNetCompiler.VirtualPath = "/foo"
***Release.AspNetCompiler.PhysicalPath开发者_高级运维 = "..\foo\"***
Release.AspNetCompiler.TargetPath = "..\..\PrecompiledWeb\foo\"
Release.AspNetCompiler.Updateable = "true"
Release.AspNetCompiler.ForceOverwrite = "true"
Release.AspNetCompiler.FixedNames = "false"
Release.AspNetCompiler.Debug = "False"
VWDPort = "51644"
DefaultWebSiteLanguage = "Visual Basic"
This should allow you to configure your Web project via parameters in the MSBUILD.proj file.
In Solution Explorer, select the Web project.
On the View menu, click Property Pages.
In the left pane, click MSBuild Options.
- Select Allow this precompiled site to be updatable.
Team Build and aspnet_compiler.exe
<Project DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="">
<Target Name="Build">
<AspNetCompiler VirtualPath="/WebApplication1" PhysicalPath="C:\MyProjects\WebApplication1" TargetPath="C:\MyProjects\WebApplication1\PrecompiledWeb" />