
Character counter for various textarea that are loaded dynamically, how to do it?

I've found a javascript code that counts the characters on a textarea. This is the code.

My problem is that I'm doing a backend where the user can load various textareas like <textarea name="description[]"></textarea>. How I can create a script that runs on all textareas BUT with different counts?


Thank you in advance!

This will allow you to just give text areas the class of countableText in order to add a counter to them.

  <script type='text/javascript'>
    var characterLimit = 150;
      $(this).wrap('<div id="container_' + (index+1) + '">');
      $('<span id="remainingCharacters_' + (index+1) + '">150</span>').appendTo($('#container_' + (index+1)));

      $(this).bind('keyup', function(){
        var charactersUsed = $(this).val().length;

        if(charactersUsed > characterLimit){
            charactersUsed = characterLimit;

        var charactersRemaining = characterLimit - charactersUsed;

        $('#remainingCharacters_' + (index+1)).html(charactersRemaining);

    <textarea class="countableText"></textarea>  
    <textarea class="countableText"></textarea>  
    <textarea class="countableText"></textarea>    

Here is a demo: http://jsfiddle.net/mEFGq/1/

If you are doing multiple counters you have to add the keyup property to your textarea and I choose a span for the result like in the following example:

<textarea id="myArea1" maxLength="100" onkeyup="javascript:updateCounter(this, "span1");" onkeypress="javascript:limitBox(this);"/>
<span id="span1"></span>

function limitBox(textbox) {
            if ($(textbox).val().length == $(textbox).attr("maxLength")) {
                return false;

            if ($(textbox).val().length > $(textbox).attr("maxLength")) {
                var str = $(textbox).val().substring(0, $(textbox).attr("maxLength"));


function updateCounter(textbox, spanToUpdate) {
    if ($(textbox).val().length > $(textbox).attr("maxLength")) {
        var str = $(textbox).val().substring(0, $(textbox).attr("maxLength"));

    var myCount = $(textbox).attr("maxLength") - $(textbox).val().length;



I also have max length properties on there. You can modify to remove if you don't need.





验证码 换一张
取 消

