How to print .MSG into PDF
I have 1000 emails (in .msg format) and I'd like to convert those to PDF files.
Reading .MSG file has already been asked here.But the problem for me is to print .msg emails as you do from "File -> Print".
Is there a simple way to pri开发者_运维知识库nt .msg emails to PDF?
If you want a solution implemented in a programming language instead of manually printing each message, you may consider using Aspose.Network and Aspose.Words for .NET components. They work together to convert MSG file to PDF.
- Aspose.Network for .NET for loading the MSG and saving as MHTML format
- Aspose.Words for .NET for loading the MHTML and producing the PDF or any other supported format
Have a look at the sample code at this page. It does MSG to TIFF, but you may slightly modify and give any supported format including PDF, DOC, DOCX etc.
Dim objItem, objFSO, strFile, input, fileExt, strHtml, strPdf, msg, wordDoc, wordApp, tempFileFolder
Const olFormatHTML = 5
Const wdFormatPDF = 17
input = Wscript.Arguments(0)
' Create a File System object
Set objFSO = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )
' Check if the Word document exists
If objFSO.FileExists(input) Then
Set objItem = objFSO.GetFile(input)
strFile = objItem.Path
WScript.Echo "FILE OPEN ERROR: The file does not exist" & vbCrLf
End If
fileExt = Right(strFile,3)
If fileExt <> "msg" Then
WScript.Echo "FILE ERROR: The file extension is not .msg" & vbCrLf
End If
strHtml = objItem.Path + ".html"
strPdf = objItem.Path + ".pdf"
Set Outlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set msg = Outlook.CreateItemFromTemplate(objItem.Path)
msg.SaveAs strHtml, olFormatHTML
Set wordApp = CreateObject( "Word.Application" )
wordApp.Documents.Open strHtml
Set wordDoc = wordApp.ActiveDocument
wordDoc.SaveAs strPdf, wdFormatPDF
If objFSO.FileExists(strHtml) Then
End If
tempFileFolder = objItem.Path & "_files"
If objFSO.FolderExists(tempFileFolder) Then
End If
You could use an application like MsgViewer Pro .
It has a "print from command line" feature which you could probably use in a batch mode.
Note: I did not use this viewer, but I thought it might be a good suggestion.