
What exactly mean by this Urikind.relative

What i am doing is i will have a datagridview when i select a row and click on show button i would like to display the image along with some information for that i written the following code

public partial class WpfWindow : Window
    private UCPersons _ucPersons;

    public WpfWindow()

        // Create WinForms Usercontrol and 
        // add it to the WindowsFormsHost
        _ucPersons = new UCPersons();
        winFormHost.Child = _ucPersons;

        List<Person> persons = CreateSamplePersons();


    private List<Person> CreateSamplePersons()
        List<Person> 开发者_StackOverflowpersons = new List<Person>();
        persons.Add(Person.Create("Dorababu", "Madhuranagar", "Hyd", 
            DateTime.Now.AddYears(-34), "1"));

        persons.Add(Person.Create("Krish", "Sat", "RJY",
            DateTime.Now.AddYears(-64), "2"));

        return persons;

    private void btnDisplayDetails_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        Person person = _ucPersons.GetSelectedPerson();
        if (person != null)
            lblName.Content = person.Name;
            lblAge.Content = person.BirthDay.ToShortDateString();
            Uri uri = new Uri( "m_" + person.ImageRef + ".jpg", 
            imgPerson.Source = BitmapFrame.Create(uri);

But the same is not working if i copy and paste my images out of Bin.

So i would like to know some thing about this UriKInd

Relative, as opposed to Absolute. "chicken/pot/pie.jpg" would be relative, because it's relative to the current directory. Whereas something like "C:/images/food/chicken/pot/pie.jpg" would be absolute because it's ...err... relative to the root of the drive.

The only real point to initializing the Uri this way is to avoid (or cause) exceptions when the uri is not well-formed; useful when the Uri is not predetermined.

MSDN Reference

Relative and absolute URIs have different restrictions on their format. For example, a relative URI does not require a scheme or an authority. The value you specify in uriKind must match the type of URI passed in uriString. However, if RelativeOrAbsolute is specified, the URI string can be relative or absolute.

It means it's a relative URI - but we don't know what it's relative to without you providing more information.

As an example, the URI here is relative:

<img src="person.jpg" />

... and so is this, although it's in some ways "less" relative than the previous one, as it only relies on the existing host/post/scheme rather than the current URI's path:

<img src="/images/person.jpg" />

This is absolute though - it contains all the information required, without any other context:

<img src="http://microsoft.com/images/person.jpg" />

From the UriKind documentation:

Absolute URIs are characterized by a complete reference to the resource (example: http://www.contoso.com/index.html), while a relative Uri depends on a previously defined base URI (example: /index.html).

It's hard to say what problem you're having without more information though.





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