PHP Json Encoding an array
Im a newbie in PHP (also JSON for that matter) but I am not sure/confident of the format of the json data i have. I am converting a mysql into json for use in another application, and the format i am getting is as follows:
"categoryName":"BABY FOOD",
"categoryNotes":"ONLY baby food varieties which have been listed below should be used. However if your doctor or pediatrician requires a specific diet please contact your Rabbi for further advice."
"categoryName":"BAKING INGREDIENTS",
"categoryNotes":"See Alcoholic Drinks"
"categoryName":"BEVERAGES - Powdered",
"categoryNotes":"Locally produced biscuits usually contain fats, oils or improvers of non-kosher origin. There is a very large range of Israeli, South African and American kosher biscuits available locally. Even these imported biscuits and crackers (including Israeli produced goods) should only be used if marked with a reliable Rabbinic Hechsher. A 'K' on the packet alone is insufficient. Please note which products are dairy or pareve."
"categoryName":"BREAD AND BAKERY GOODS",
"categoryNotes":"Bread usually contains or comes in contact with Non-Kosher oils, fats or improvers and cannot be accepted as kosher without thorough investigation and subsequent authorisation"
"categoryName":"BREAD\/CORN\/RICE CRUMBS",
"categoryNotes":"Soft butters, butter spreads & dairy blends are NOT ACCEPTABLE unless specifically listed. Butter made from whey cream is NOT ACCEPTABLE unless produced under Rabbinic supervision"
"categoryName":"BUTTERMILK and LEBEN ",
"categoryName":"CAKES & CAKE SHOPS",
"categoryNotes":"Cakes and cake mixes usually contain Non-Kosher ingredients, and must only be used if they are produced under supervision <br\/> Cakes bought in a Non-Kosher cake shop, even if containing only kosher ingredients are NOT ACCEPTABLE because of the Non-Kosher utensils used in their preparation"
"categoryName":"CEREALS ",
and so forth.
Now I am not sure if this is the right format, but my code to generate this is as follows:
/* soak in the passed variable or set our own */
// $approved_prod_date = $_GET['date'];
$link = mysql_connect('localhost','root','broncos') or die('Cannot connect to the DB');
mysql_select_db('iKosher',$link) or die('Cannot select the DB');
/* grab the categories from the db */
$query= "SELECT as catId, as categoryName, c.notes as categoryNotes
FROM cat c
WHERE 1=1\n";
if(isset($_GET['catid']) && intval($_GET['catid'])) {
$query.="AND = ";
$query.= $_GET['catid'];
if(isset($_GET['startIndex']) && intval($_GET['startIndex'])) {
if(isset($_GET['numItems']) && intval($_GET['numItems'])) {
$query .= "\nLIMIT ";
$query .= $_GET['startIndex'];
$query .= ",";
$query .= $_GET['numItems'];
// $query = "SELECT post_title, guid FROM wp_posts WHERE post_author = $user_id AND post_status = 'publish' ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT $number_of_posts";
$result = mysql_query($query,$link) or die('Errant query: '.$query);
/* create one master array of the records */
$categories = array();
if($num) {
while($category = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$categories[] = array('category'=>$category);
header('Content-type: application/json');
echo json_encode($categories);
开发者_StackOverflow社区 ?>
Based on my code, am i doing this right? Is the array converted correctly into JSON?
json_encode() will produce valid JSON. If necessary, you can verify this for yourself by copy-and-pasting the JSON output into an online validator like the one at
If you're not sure if your data is being placing into the array with the correct organization, that's another matter. But given a valid PHP array/object/pretty much whatever, json_encode() will produce it encoded properly in the JSON format.
EDIT: Inside your while loop, this code:
while($category = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$categories[] = array('category'=>$category);
Builds an array that looks like this: ("category" => [$catId, $categoryName, etc.], "category" => [$catId, $categoryName, etc], and so on) I think you'd be better off (and happier with the JSON produced) if you changed it to:
while($category = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$categories[] = $category;
The original code is adding each and every category to the $categories array with the same "category" key. But since this key is duplicated for each category, it serves no real purpose.
if(isset($_GET['catid']) && intval($_GET['catid'])) {
$query.="AND = ";
$query.= $_GET['catid'];
NEVER, just NEVER do like this!!! Read something about SQL-injection first!
You just check if intval of GET-parameter is not 0.
But there can be anything! For example a string "5 union select version(), user(), etc .... -- q"