Passing JSON to controller action issue
I have the following javascript.
Problem is if I enter one row in the table "ingredients" but I am getting 2 rows in the resulting pass to controller action after seralising into my C# object. But the second object is null?
I checked the javascript and the variable "cnt" is 1 not 2.
Why would that be?
$("#Save").click(function () {
var title = $("#recipetitle").val();
var category = $("#category").val();
var preptime = $("#prepTime").val();
var preptimeperiod = $("#lstPrepTime").val();
var cooktime = $("#cookTime").val();
var cooktimeperiod = $("#lstCookTime").val();
var rating = $("#rating").val();
var method = $("#method").val();
var jsontext = '{ "RecipeTitle": "' + title + '",';
jsontext += '"CategoryID":' + category + ',';
jsontext += '"PrepTime":' + preptime + ',';
jsontext += '"PrepTimePeriod":"' + preptimeperiod + '",';
jsontext += '"CookTime":' + cooktime + ',';
jsontext += '"CookTimePeriod":"' + cooktimeperiod + '",';
jsontext += '"Rating":' + rating + ',';
jsontext += '"Method":"' + method + '",';
var ing = "";
var cnt = 0;
$("#ingredients tr.ingredientdata").each(function () {
if ($("td.ingredient", this).text() != "") {
ing += '{ "IngredientName": "' + $("td.ingredient", this).text() + '",';
ing += '"Units": ' + $("td.units", this开发者_运维知识库).text() + ',';
ing += '"Measure": "' + $("td.measure", this).text() + '"} ,';
cnt = cnt + 1;
if (ing != "") {
jsontext += '"Ingredients": [';
ing = ing.substring(0, jsontext.length - 1);
jsontext = jsontext + ing;
jsontext += ']';
jsontext += '}';
var json = eval('(' + jsontext + ')');
//var json = { Field: 1 };
url: "/Recipe/Save",
type: "POST",
dataType: 'json',
data: JSON.stringify(json),
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
success: function () {
}); [/code]
I would recommend a refactoring of your javascript as it would help you identify the errors more easily. Also checkout with FireBug the actual JSON request being sent to the controller:
$("#Save").click(function () {
var ingredients = $('#ingredients tr.ingredientdata').map(function(index, element) {
return {
ingredientName: $('td.ingredient', element).text(),
units: $('td.units', element).text(),
measure: $('td.measure', element).text()
var json = {
RecipeTitle: $('#recipetitle').val(),
CategoryID: $('#category').val(),
PrepTime: $('#prepTime').val(),
PrepTimePeriod: $('#lstPrepTime').val(),
CookTime: $('#cookTime').val(),
CookTimePeriod: $('#lstCookTime').val(),
Rating: $('#rating').val(),
Method: $('#method').val(),
Ingredients: ingredients
url: '/Recipe/Save',
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
data: JSON.stringify(json),
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
success: function () {