
SES url in coldfusion - No MVC

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that loads the user's profile by getting the users details from the db

WHERE userid = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" value="#url.userid#">

How can the same profile be accessed like this:


Instead of users having to type "users.cfm?userid=John", they simply type the user id of the person whom they want to view.

On CF9, IIS7

I may need to install http://www.iis.net/download/urlrewrite for the solution, please advice.

Appreciate your help.

Using URLRewrite, have the rewriter set the requested URL (e.g. /John) as a request header and forward it to a single .cfm file (i.e. a front controller). In the .cfm file (e.g. frontcontroller.cfm) read out the request header (i.e. GetHttpRequestData().headers) and process accordingly -> users.cfm?userid=john.

Off-hand, maybe you could use the OnRequest method in Application.cfc. That method allows you to filter requests and give them special processing.


In your example, you could take "John", or any string, if it exists at the root, and

<cfinclude template="#application.baseHREF#/users.cfm?userid=#userID#" />

If you define baseHREF in OnApplicationStart.

If you decide to use a tool like ISAPI Rewrite (not free) which allows you to write Rewrite rules similar to those used in Apache, you'd add:

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /users.cfm?userid=$1 [NC,L,QSA]

You can also add folders or other URLs to exclude from this rule with something like:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^(assets|images|xml|tasks) [NC]
RewriteRule ^_admin/(.*)$ /_admin/index.cfm/$1 [NC,L,QSA]

I would recommend using a rewrite rule over handling it in CFML to reduce the processing handled by the CF server.





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