Include data in resultset not fulfilling the filter condition without using temp tables
Please use following sample data.
declare @tbl table (id int, fid int, arrival datetime, created datetime)
insert into @tbl select 1, 10, DATEADD(dd, -10, GETDATE()), DATEADD(dd, -6, getdate())
insert into @tbl select 1, 10, DATEADD(dd, -10, GETDATE()), DATEADD(dd, -6, getdate())
insert into @tbl select 1, 10, DATEADD(dd, -10, GETDATE()), null
insert into @tbl select 2, 20, DATEADD(dd, -3, GETDATE()), DATEADD(dd, -2, getdate())
insert into @tbl select 2, 20, DATEADD(dd, -3, GETDATE()), null
I would like to have all rows between arrival '2011-02-25' and '2011-02-28'
which created after this date '2011-02-20'
including created date null.
select * from @tbl
where arrival >= '2011-02-25' and arrival < '2011-02-28'
and created >= '2011-02-20'
Above query fetch two rows but I need 3rd row of FID = 10 which has created date null
Qery2: select row of FID = 20 which I don't need because it is not in range of Arrival date.
select * from @tbl
where arrival >= '2011-02-25' and arrival < '2011-02-28'
and created >= '2011-02-20' OR created is null
This is sample data. The original query fetch data from different table and has joins with 10+ tables so I don't want to run query again to include rows in temp table.
EDIT: Sorry, wanted to ask this but put wrong question. Thanks for your help.
declare @tbl table (id int, fid int, arrival datetime, created datetime)
insert into @tbl select 1, 10, DATEADD(dd, -10, GETDATE()), DATEADD(dd, -6, getdate())
insert into @tbl select 1, 10, DATEADD(dd, -10, GETDATE()), DATEADD(dd, -6, getdate())
insert into @tbl select 1, 10, null, DATEADD(dd, -6, getdate())
insert into @tbl select 2, 20, DATEADD(dd, -3, GETDATE()), DATEADD(dd, -2, getdate())
insert into @tbl select 2, 20, null, DATEADD(dd, -2, getdate())
select * from @tbl
where arrival >= '2011-02-26' and arrival < '2011-02-28'
Need the third row of fid = 10 too whe开发者_运维问答re arrival
date is NULL
This might do what you want.
;with cte as
select distinct fid
from @tbl
arrival >= '2011-02-26' and
arrival < '2011-02-28'
select *
from cte as C
inner join @tbl as T
on C.fid = T.fid
(arrival >= '2011-02-26' and
arrival < '2011-02-28') or
arrival is null
I think should work:
select * from @tbl
where (arrival >= '2011-02-25' and arrival < '2011-02-28')
and (created >= '2011-02-20' or created is Null)
As per your Edit you will need to do this:
select * from @tbl
where ((arrival >= '2011-02-25' and arrival < '2011-02-28') or arrival is null)
and (created >= '2011-02-20' or created is Null)
This will return the 3rd FID = 10 row, however it will also return the row ID = 2 and FID = 20 because that row also satisfies the filter conditions.
This is a slightly different take from the more obvious answers posted above
select * from @tbl
where arrival >= '2011-02-25' and arrival < '2011-02-28'
and COALESCE(created,'2011-02-25') >= '2011-02-20'