What are the main advantages, or otherwise, of developing with Vala? [closed]
I read its documentation and it seems quite awesome. But I never heard of any application developed using it.
What are the main advantages and disadvantage of Vala?
(IMO) advantages:
- No garbage collector!
- generated programs are written in C which should boost performance and require less resources than other scripting languages (python) or managed code (Mono).
- Provide easy to use API to a huge variety of useful libraries available in Linux written mostly in C.
- Provide a C#-like syntax which is very popular and by doing so attract new developers to OSS programming.
- Bring (some level of) OOP syntactic sugar into the world of C but easier to use than C++.
- No garbage collector!
- Generated program should be recompiled for each architecture.
- It's a young language. Language specifications and API change constantly. Maintaining a big project might require extra attention.
- Debugging is possible but a bit tricky.
- No stable IDE and tools yet. Valide crashes a lot and vtg too.
- Language object model is based on glib/gobject which seem to be limited. Dova is being developed to explore an alternative path but will not be compatible with gobjects.