
UIViewController with UIView-inherited class, programmatically

I'm using a library, which is a class that inherits from UIView. How do I programmatically create an UIViewController that uses this class, and not a normal UIView?

The ViewController's .h file looks as follows:

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "PLView.h"

@interface HelloPano开发者_Python百科ramaViewController : UIViewController {
IBOutlet PLView * plView;

@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet PLView *plView;


The .m file as follows:

#import "HelloPanoramaViewController.h"

@implementation HelloPanoramaViewController

@synthesize plView;

- (void)viewDidLoad 
    [super viewDidLoad];
    // Do stuff here...

- (void)dealloc 
    [plView release];
    [super dealloc];


And then I should use a nib to let "plView variable pointing to the view". But without using Interface Builder, how would I do this programmatically? How could I let this UIViewController create an PLView, instead of an UIView?

your UIViewController will something that looks like

#import "HelloPanoramaViewController.h"

@implementation HelloPanoramaViewController

- (void)loadView 
    self.view = [PLView plview]//or whatever it takes to create the plview.

- (void)viewDidLoad
    //create more objects

- (void)viewDidUnload
    //release unwanted objects that were created viewDidLoad

-(void) dealloc
    // release all 
    [super dealloc];

more info... here

In the place where you create your viewController, also create an instance of your custom view, and then set that view to your controller's view:

HelloPanoramaViewController *controller = [[HelloPanoramaViewController alloc] init];
PLView *view = [[PLView alloc] init];
controller.view = view;




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