
Can HAML be used with Less.js?

I realize that there's going to be big support for utilizing the HAML/Sass combo. I've done tons of reading and I get the advantages.

With that said, I really like Less.js and its take on things. Is there any reason I can't run it side b开发者_如何学Cy side with HAML?

Thanks, and anecdotal experience is welcomed.

The short answer is yes. The major pitfalls at the time I asked this question seemed to be around the ease of having LESS precompiled vs. Sass. Good solutions exist for this now, and it's no longer a major barrier either way.

I guess that would depend on what you're using, Java, Python, or PHP frameworks, etc.

With Rails 3.1 with the new assets pipeline the less gem makes using less from Rails easy, you can even do things like blah.css.less.erb.

Or are you looking for a :less block for inline CSS like you have for javascript and css?





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