Is the rfc-info "help: ways_to_get_rfcs" dead?
I was just reading "TCP/IP Illustrated" and found that one of the ways to find all sources of RFCs is to send the following email:
To: rfc-info@ISI.EDU
Subject: getting rfcs
help: ways_to_get_rfcs
Tried it for fun -- how could I not when it's such a interesting/intriguing way of getting info? I mean, would you even think of sending an email to some remote address to get the ways to get rfcs? -开发者_开发知识库- and got "Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently". I'm pretty sure it's long dead, but do you know when?
The simplest way to figure it out is to look through the old RFCs... they're generally sequential in both numbering and dates (though there is admittedly some variation).
RFC2700 - Pub Aug 2000 Contains a reference to rfc-info@ISI.EDU
RFC2800 - Pub May 2001 Does not...
So without getting more granular, it was between August 2000 and May 2001.
HTH, \mike