
Using a constant IV with single-block encryption

I have lots of small secrets that I want to store encrypted in a database. The database client will have the keys, and the database server will not deal with encryption and decryption. All of my secrets are 16 bytes or less, which means just one block when using AES. I'm using a constant IV开发者_Python百科 (and key) to make the encryption deterministic and my reason for doing deterministic encryption is to be able to easily query the database using ciphertext and making sure the same secret is not stored twice (by making the column UNIQUE). As far as I can see there should be no problem doing this, as long as the key is secret. But I want to be sure: Am I right or wrong? In case I'm wrong, what attacks could be done?

BTW: Hashes are quite useless here, because of a relatively small number of possible plaintexts. With a hash it would be trivial to obtain the original plaintext.

An ideal cipher, for messages of length n bits, is a permutation of the 2n sequences of n bits, chosen at random in the 2n! such permutations. The "key" is the description of which permutation was chosen.

A secure block cipher is supposed to be indistinguishable from an ideal cipher, with n being the block size. For AES, n=128 (i.e. 16 bytes). AES is supposed to be a secure block cipher.

If all your secrets have length exactly 16 bytes (or less than 16 bytes, with some padding convention to unambiguously extend them to 16 bytes), then an ideal cipher is what you want, and AES "as itself" should be fine. With common AES implementations, which want to apply padding and process arbitrarily long streams, you can get a single-block encryption by asking for ECB mode, or CBC mode with an all-zero IV.

All the issues about IV, and why chaining modes such as CBC were needed in the first place, come from multi-block messages. AES encrypts 16-byte messages (no more, no less): chaining modes are about emulating an ideal cipher for longer messages. If, in your application, all messages have length exactly 16 bytes (or are shorter, but you add padding), then you just need the "raw" AES; and a fixed IV is a close enough emulation of raw AES.

Note, though, the following:

  • If you are storing encrypted elements in a database, and require uniqueness for the whole lifetime of your application, then your secret key is long-lived. Keeping a secret key secret for a long time can be a hard problem. For instance, long-lived secret keys need some kind of storage (which resists to reboots). How do you manage dead hard disks ? Do you destroy them in an acid-filled cauldron ?

  • Encryption ensures confidentiality, not integrity. In most security models, attackers can be active (i.e., if the attacker can read the database, he can probably write into it too). Active attacks open up a full host of issues: for instance, what could happen if the attacker swaps some of your secrets within the database ? Or alters some randomly ? Encryption is, as always, the easy part (not that it is really "easy", but it is much easier than the rest of the job).

If the assembly is publicly available, or can become so, your key and IV can be discovered by using Reflector to expose the source code that uses it. That would be the main problem with this, if the data really were secret. It is possible to obfuscate MSIL, but that just makes it harder to trace through; it still has to be computer-consumable, so you can't truly encrypt it.

The static IV would make your implementation vulnerable to frequency attacks. See For AES CBC encryption, whats the importance of the IV?





验证码 换一张
取 消

