
CodeIgniter Session Expires on Page Refresh

We have a CodeIgniter based SAAS application. Sessions are stored in the database. We use this class as a replacement for CI sessions

With one specific customer ( same office, multiple users, same IP ), the session is getting reset or destroyed on a page refresh.

This has never happened before with any other 开发者_如何学编程users or from other location. I am not able to reproduce this issue.


  • User Logs in & sees home Page.
  • User begins navigation by clicking some link
  • Session times out and they are prompted to login again
  • And this continues after each login.

Session expiration is set to 3000 s and time_reference is GMT and sess_time_to_update = 300 s.

Any help on how to go about investigating this issue will help.

  • This happens in IE , Chrome and therefore does not seem to be a browser issue.
  • This same set of users have never had this issue before.

check the size of the session cookie. maybe it is larger than the allowed size > 4096. I know it's a long shot, but try it out nevertheless.





验证码 换一张
取 消

