StringBuilder related issue
i have following code in which, i am fetching the data from the 开发者_StackOverflowsqlite database. I am able to get all the values well whenever the data is upgraded but cant able to upgrade the values stored into a StringBuilder.So whenever the data is upgraded StringBuilder show the first data of the data base.
private void showData(Cursor cursor) {
StringBuilder stbuilder = new StringBuilder();
start_time = cursor.getString(1);
end_time = cursor.getString(2);
duration_time = cursor.getString(3);
phone_option = cursor.getString(4);
phone_mode = cursor.getString(5);
stbuilder.append(start_time+" "+end_time+" "+duration_time+" "+phone_option+" "+phone_mode);
Log.i("STARTtttDB", ""+start_time);
Log.i("enddddDB", ""+end_time);
Log.i("duratonnn", ""+duration_time);
Log.i("M O D E ",""+phone_mode);
String data=stbuilder.toString();
Log.i("Data OUtput",data);
You should create a new StringBuilder for each iteration, or reset it using:
Also, instead of using string concatenation (+
) inside of StringBuilder.append(), you should probably have a series of appends:
stBuilder.append(" ");
Also note that you can safely forgo the use of StringBuilder altogether as the compiler optimizes string concatenation using StringBuilder anyway. Here is a performance study I found.
You need to reset the StringBuilder with a call to setLength(0);