iphone web app to automatically redirect to app [duplicate]
Possible Duplicate:
Rails: redirect_to 'myapp://' to call iOS app from mobile safari
I am trying to do what Facedialer does when it installs small webapps on your home screen so by clicking them it places a call.
I have my app with its custom url scheme working. If I try writing my custom url from safari it opens my app.
But I can't make it so the web app, when opened, redirects to my custom app. I've tried with window.location.href="myapp://" and a lot of different variants without success.
The only way I have to make it is through META REDIRECT tag. But I need to avoid this solution since I want to discriminate if the user is opening the webapp from the home screen or if it's directly from safari. (using window.navigator.standalone)
Does it make sense? Any advice?
Reposting from: Rails: redirect_to 'myapp://' to call iOS app from mobile safari
have you tried window.location
<script type="text/javascript">
var userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent;
if (userAgent.match(/iPad/i) || userAgent.match(/iPhone/i)) {
window.location = "myiosapp://"
Some html page