
Join won't do it, and sub query sucks, then what?

first of all, sorry for the non descriptive title, I'm just too rushed so I couldn't come up with a better one.


I have a portion of my database the looks like the following diagram:

Join won't do it, and sub query sucks, then what?

I开发者_如何转开发 have contributors on the system, each write to many sources, and a source can have many working contributors. Users can subscribe to as many contributors as they like and as many sources as they like. Now, what I want to do is simply retrieve all the articles for certain user. These articles are either coming through a contributor or a source the user subscribes to. To make it easy, when a user subscribes to a source I simply copy all the sources contributors to the users_contributors table. One tricky piece, when I retrieve the user's articles I retrieve all the articles that he his contributors write, and all the articles that were published in the sources he follows where those articles doesn't have a valid contributor on the system. (I.E contributorID is null).

I created the following query:

 Select Articles.ArticleID, Articles.ContributorId, Contributors.Name, 
    Sources.Name, Articles.ArticleTitle
From Articles 
            Inner Join Contributors On Articles.ContributorId = Contributors.ContributorId
            Inner Join Sources On Articles.SourceId = Sources.SourceID          
Where Articles.ContributorId in (
    Select ContributorId from Users_Contributors
    Where UserID = 3
    OR (

        Articles.SourceId in (
            Select SourceId from Users_Sources
            Where UserID = 3

            Articles.ContributorId is null

The problem with the above query is that, it doesn't return any article with contributorID null. I understand this is because of the join on the contributors table. What should I do in such a case?

  1. Should I consider denormalization?
  2. What are the prober fields to index on each table for this query to run fast (Rowset returned are approximately 10000)?
  3. I need to support paging on this query, will "With { }" clause be appropriate to me, or should I consider another strategy?

    Thanks in advance.

    Ps: I'm using SQL Server 2008

SELECT  a.*, s.Name AS SourceName, NULL AS ContributorName
FROM    User_Sources us
JOIN    Articles a
ON      a.SourceID = us.SourceID
JOIN    Source s
ON      s.SourceID = us.SourceID
WHERE   us.UserID = 3
        AND a.ContributorID IS NULL
SELECT  a.*, s.Name AS SourceName, c.Name AS ContributorName
FROM    User_Contributor uc
JOIN    Articles a
ON      a.ContributorID = uc.ContributorID
JOIN    Contirbutors c
ON      c.ContributorID = uc.ContributorID
JOIN    Sources s
ON      s.SourceID = a.SourceID
WHERE   uc.UserID = 3

If you need paging, use this (to get the pages from 80 to 100):

WITH    q AS (
        SELECT  TOP 100 
                a.*, s.Name AS SourceName, NULL AS ContributorName
        FROM    User_Sources us
        JOIN    Articles a
        ON      a.SourceID = us.SourceID
        JOIN    Source s
        ON      s.SourceID = us.SourceID
        WHERE   us.UserID = 3
                AND a.ContributorID IS NULL
        ORDER BY
        SELECT  TOP 100
                a.*, s.Name AS SourceName, c.Name AS ContributorName
        FROM    User_Contributor uc
        JOIN    Articles a
        ON      a.ContributorID = uc.ContributorID
        JOIN    Contirbutors c
        ON      c.ContributorID = uc.ContributorID
        JOIN    Sources s
        ON      s.SourceID = a.SourceID
        WHERE   uc.UserID = 3
        ORDER BY
        page AS
        SELECT  TOP 100 *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY OrderDate) AS rn
        FROM    q
FROM    page
WHERE   rn >= 80

Why don't you just make this join

Inner Join Contributors On Articles.ContributorId = Contributors.ContributorID

an outer join?

Left Join Contributors On Articles.ContributorId = Contributors.ContributorID

That will cause it to return all Articles, whether or not there is a matching SourceID (includes cases where ContributorID is null).





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