
django centos xapian haystack

I just went through a bit of an installation process with django-haystack and xapian on my root user and eventually my other user and all the responses seem to be okay.

even when I am in my other_user in shell, and running import xapian and import haystack it all runs without any errors.

As soon as I uncomment #'haystack', in my settings file. and restart apache it throws an error

The 'xapian' backend requires the installation of 'xapian'.

installed xapian-core, xapian-bindings

Any ideas why it would still not work?

HERE is my configure

./configure --开发者_运维技巧prefix=/home/appel/xapian-install XAPIAN_CONFIG=/home/appel/xapian-install/bin/xapian-config PYTHON=/opt/python2.6/bin/python2.6 PYTHON_LIB=/opt/python2.6/lib/python2.6 --with-python --without-ruby --without-tcl --without-php

Collecting Xapian from apt-get / pip repository doesn't give you everything you need. With the parallel installation the xapian-bindings were the wrong version and could not bind correctly to the used python.

I'm not sure what they do specifically.

Ensure you install the correct version of the bindings for your associated python26 - Once this is done, its very easy to install and use Xapian and Haystack


If you find the exact download required - please share it as I've lost it.

I hope it helps.





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