
Is it possible to get this page to run smoother?

I'm using a bunch of jQuery and some of the functions are running a little clunky. Some of the same functions on other pages are running smooth. I was wondering if someone might be able to spot something in my code that might explain w开发者_如何学Chy its studdering some of the movement.

You can see it here: http://www.kerrydean.ca/main.html.

Run Firefox with the Firebug plugin to profile your javascript. See where it is slowing down. Alternatively, use Safari or Chrome with the developer console. They also have the ability to do javascript profiling.

You can use firefox firebug profiling to find some issues in your code


This can help you.

This is a really good guideline.


  1. Move your script references to the bottom instead of the top.
  2. Firebug is a GREAT TOOL. Also use it's error console to see if you have javascript errors.
  3. You are loading jquery version 1.3.2 & 1.4 for some reason
  4. Instead of referencing images directly, create classes in your external style sheet and assign those classes to the elements.

I have used Google Page Speed with success for finding these types of issues. It is a add-on to Firebug which is a add-on to Firefox.





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