
Upload the web site into the server [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.

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I can upload the web pages which is in html to the server and after uploading the link for that is www.dhtc.lk/about_us.html

But I need to display it as www.dhtc.lk instead of above name and please guide me how to do this and my hostname is dhtc.lk

Please send me the solution for this. Thank you

Try to rename about_us.html to index.html

Rename about_us.html to index.html.

index.html is the first HTML file the server shows when loading a folder (in this case, the root folder, or /).

Now sure what exactly you want but you can add a welcome file to the web.xml like this:


To get your host to be coming up with www.dhtc.lk, you need to add a DNS entry to point www.dhtc.lk to the same host. Talk to your ISP to get this done.

Also, had a look at your site and looks like you have created each page in a separate directory. You need to save each page as a simple .html file and put all of these in the root directory of your web server. I recommend you read a bit more on web hosting.





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