How to open new Estimate created by QBXML
I am a web developer On my web page there is an IRequestProcessor2 object and few JavaScript functions to work with him. I can create new Estimate in QuickBooks by QBXML query. Now I need to activate QuickBooks window automatically and open that Est开发者_运维技巧imate Is there possible by QBXML (or QBFC)? And how? Thank you.You can use the TxnDisplayMod command to open the Edit Estimate window within QuickBooks. The qbXML syntax looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<?qbxml version="8.0"?>
<QBXMLMsgsRq onError="stopOnError">
<!-- TxnDisplayModType may have one of the following values: Bill, BillPaymentCheck, BillPaymentCreditCard, BuildAssembly, Charge, Check, CreditCardCharge, CreditCardCredit, CreditMemo, Deposit, Estimate, InventoryAdjustment, Invoice, ItemReceipt, JournalEntry, PurchaseOrder, ReceivePayment, SalesOrder, SalesReceipt, SalesTaxPaymentCheck, VendorCredit -->
<TxnDisplayModType >ENUMTYPE</TxnDisplayModType> <!-- required -->
<TxnID >IDTYPE</TxnID> <!-- required -->
From the QuickBooks SDK documentation:
A TxnDisplayMod request opens a QuickBooks transaction within the QuickBooks UI for modification.