Ajax callbacks not working with Rails 3.0.5 and jQuery 1.5.1
I've got ajax pagination working with the Kaminari gem on my website but I'm having difficulty getting ajax callbacks working
I'm using jquery-1.5.1, rails 3.0.5 and I have the latest rails.js file
My podcasts.html.haml
looks as follows
= paginate @podcasts, :remote => true
= render @podcasts
My index.js.erb file looks like this:
$('#podcasts').html('<%= escape_javascript render(@podcasts) %>');
$('#paginator').html('<%= escape_javascript(paginate(@podcasts, :remote => true).to_s) %>');
The pagination side of things works fine, and the pages do indeed load via ajax but I want to do some ajax callbacks and I just can't figure out how to get this working.
I've tried adding numerous variations of the following code to my application.js file but with no success at all:
$('#paginator a').bind('ajax:success', function(data, status, xhr) {alert("success!");})
I would expect the code above to fire off an alert once the ajax stuff has finished. Nothing is happening though.
Anyone got any ideas?
The paginate method above, is from the Kaminari gem and it creates the following html:
<div id="paginator">
<nav class="pagination">
<a href="/podcasts" data-remote="true">Page 1</a>
<a href="/podcasts?page=2" data-remote="true">Page 2</a>
<a href="/podcasts?page=3" data-remote="true">Page 3</a>
I was not able to follow exactly your code, but I made a simple test (jquery 1.5.1, rails 3.0.5), and it works for me:
class AjaxController < ApplicationController
def get_data
respond_to do |format|
format.js { sleep 1; render :json => "ajax value" }
<%= link_to "get_data", get_data_path, :remote => true, :id => 'request' %>
<div id="response">
<%= javascript_tag do %>
$("#response").html("default value");
$("#request").bind("ajax:success", function(e, data, status, xhr) {
<% end %>
get "ajax/index"
get "ajax/get_data", :as => "get_data"
I hope this help.