
FBlogin dialog box orientation problem

I'm facing a very silly problem and its really hard to resolve for me.

The fblogindialog box that i'm using in my application, appearing in portrait mode always.. But my whole application is in landscape mode.. the main thing is that the keyboard appears landscape and the web v开发者_JS百科iew in wich the login appears has the orientation which just suits the landscape mode (means the username and pwd txt boxes are that much wide so that if we rotate the device it would just fit into the landscape mode).

I tried every thing i looked for the status bar orientaition as well. its really frustrating. i'm using a button named post and on the click of this button i written the following code:

AppDelegate_iPhone *appDelegate =(AppDelegate_iPhone *)[[UIApplication  sharedApplication]delegate];
    if (appDelegate._session == nil)
        appDelegate._session = [FBSession sessionForApplication:_APP_KEY secret:_SECRET_KEY delegate:self];

    if(self.loginDialog == NULL || ![appDelegate._session resume])
        self.loginDialog  = [[[FBLoginDialog alloc] init] autorelease];

        loginDialog.delegate = self;    
        [self.loginDialog show];
        //self.loginDialog.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 480, 320);
        [self.view addSubview:loginDialog];

here is the screen shot link-- http://i.stack.imgur.com/X4UHi.png

Please help me guys..

Thks very much .

finally i used new facebook sdk to solve this problem. and used the graph apis . A sample which explain all of this is --


and very helpful indeed.






验证码 换一张
取 消

