preventing an exe file from closing [duplicate]
Possible Duplicate:
How to stop C++ console application from exiting immediately?
I created an exe file in c. When I run it command prompt opens and then closes quickly and I cannot see the output. The program takes no runtime values from users. It reads data from a file. Is there any way to prevent this?
Run it natively from the command line.
Let's say that your file is in C:\awesomeness.exe
Open the cmd, type cd C:\
and then type awesomeness.exe
One classic way to do it:
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
This will wait for keypress at the end.
Are you in Windows? If so, a quick and dirty way is to use the system() function in stdlib.h (make sure you include it) to execute the PAUSE command in the command prompt.
If you are using Visual Studio, hit CTRL + F5
instead of F5
in order to run your program.
Using 'system("pause");' before ending main() is the most common method.
int main() {