
Escape pipe-character in org-mode

I've got a table in Emacs org-mode, and the contents are regular expressions. I can't seem to figure out how to escape a literal pipe-character (|) that's part of a regex though, so it's interpreted as a table-cell separator. Could someone point me to some help? Thanks.

Update: I'm also looking for escapes for a slash (/), so that it doesn开发者_如何学C't trigger the start of an italic/emphasis sequence. I experimented with \/ and \// - for example, suppose I want the literal text /foo/ in a table cell. Here are 3 ways of attempting it:

| /foo/ | \/foo/ | \//foo/ |

In LaTeX export, that becomes:

\emph{foo}  &  \/foo/  &  \//foo/

So none of them is the plain /foo/ I'm hoping for.

\vert for the pipe.

Forward slashes seem to work fine for me unescaped when exporting both to HTML and PDF.

Use a broken-bar character, “¦”, Unicode 00A6 BROKEN BAR. This may or may not work for your specific needs, but it’s a good visual approximation.

You could also format the relevant text as verbatim or code:

Text in the code and verbatim string is not processed for Org mode specific syntax; it is exported verbatim.

So you might try something like =foo | bar= (code) or foo ~|~ bar (verbatim). It does change the output format, though.





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