
C Pointer Arithmetic on Characters

I have the following code that crashes at the line where I am initializing ch:

    char * p = "Test";
    char ch = *p++;
    printf("Here : %s\n%c", p, ch);

However the following code has no problem:

    char * p = "Test";
    char 开发者_开发知识库ch = *p++;
    printf("Here : %s\n%c", p, ch);

In the first situation, you're trying to change the T in the "Test" string compiled into the program, which is held in a part of memory that your code isn't meant to change (usually; there are some environments where it's allowed, but usually it isn't). That's because (*p)++ means (loosely speaking) *p = *p + 1 (e.g., get the character pointed to by p, increment it, and write it back), and of course, *p is pointing to the compiled-in "Test".

Your second version doesn't have that problem, because you're incrementing ch, which you are allowed to change. Your second version actually increments two different things, in fact; first it does char ch = *p++; which retrieves the character at *p and then increments p (now it points to the "e" in "Test"), and then you do ch = ch++. (You probably meant just ch++; there, since ++ operates directly on its operand.)

The problem comes down to operator precedence and use of parentheses ().

char ch = (*p)++;

This line will (attempt to) increment the character at the address stored in p

char ch = *p++;

This one sets ch equal to the character at the address stored in p, then increments the address stored in p. The ++ operator takes precedence over the pointer dereference operator, so it will be executed first. To be clear, the second line is equivalent to:

char ch = *(p++);

Your first example increments the value at *p. Since p points to a string constant, this is not allowed with many compilers.

Your second example increments the pointer, not the value it points to.

This code:


is trying to increment the value that p points to. p is pointing to the const char string "Test", which cannot be modified.

The first version is doing this:

char * p = "Test";  //this should really be const char *
*p = *p + 1;  //CRASH! attempthing to modifiy the contents of a string literal
char ch = *p;
ch = ch++;  //This is excessive, ch++ on it's own would do the same
printf("Here : %s\n%c", p, ch);

While the second version is doing this:

char * p = "Test"; //still should be const char *
char ch = *p;
p++; //p now points to "est"
ch = ch++;
printf("Here : %s\n%c", p, ch);  //prints est\nU




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