
C# parsing html with javascript

I need to parse html code after executing javascript code inside this document. I use webBrowser control for downloading and controling html.

For example, I have some javascript in my html code.

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://site.com/script.js"></script>

Thank for your answers.

P.S. I mean: I must parse all code with some text wich can return javascript. So, I can parse document only after execution javascript. Becouse I need some part of dinamic content wich will be added with javascript.


I got content with javascript generated content. I skipped this one, because I was looking for some content that was in iframe which was generated with javascript.

And now I have another question. In my document I have few iframes. I am trying to get content from some frames. In the next way:

        var htmlcol = webBrowser1.Document.Window.Frames;
        foreach (HtmlWindow item in htmlcol)
           开发者_如何学Go {
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Something wrong");


But in this way I have exception: 'System.UnauthorizedAccessException'. How I can get access to html of frames?

P.P.S. Sory for my bad english :)

I think that you will have a better experience using the DOM as represented using the Document property of the WebBrowser.

You can either traverse the nested elements of Body, or find what you want using GetElementById or GetElementsByTagName.

The DOM should be automatically updated by the changes the JavaScript makes in the page.

Try the following: - Add reference Microsoft.mshtml to your application.


public void setPage(mshtml.HTMLWindow2Class JSFile)
HTMLWindow2Class window = new HTMLWindow2Class();
window = JSFile;

public void scriptPrint()
IHTMLDocument2 doc = null; ;
IHTMLWindow2 parentwindow = doc.parentWindow;

parentwindow.execScript("report_back('Printing complete!')", "JScript");


Here's also an article that might help you: http://www.dotnetcurry.com/ShowArticle.aspx?ID=194

Please read Phantomjs for your issue and use setTimeOut for page open.

This can loke like this:

var page = require('webpage').create();

page.open("https://sample.com", function(){
        // Execution somethings before page load. for Example: 
        localStorage.setItem("something", "whatever");// Set LocalStorage for browser before open

    page.open("https://sample.com", function(){
            console.log(page.content); //page source

            // Where you want to save it    

            // You can access its content using jQuery
            var fbcomments = page.evaluate(function(){
                return $("body").contents().find(".content") 





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