
Emulator Settings Menu doesn't work

Using the level 11/3.0 emulator, the 'Settings' me开发者_JAVA技巧nu doesn't work. Click on any item eg. 'Sound' or 'Screen' and nothing happens beyond the momentary high-lighting of the item.

In eclipse, a logcat entry appears

INFO/ActivityManager(73): Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings (has extras) } from pid 375

and nothing else.

What's going on here??? I only want to change the language settings from the default Chinese!

update: I've got the screen set to a normal size(320x480) instead of the default(and only option) WXGA. Works fine if I use the WXGA setting - new windows open etc. Is ver 3.0 only for tablets? I thought the system was supposed to gracefully accommodate different-sized screens. I only installed it because ver 2.3 doesn't do javascript bridge or location spoofing.

It works for me.

Make sure you have your "Device ram size" setting for this AVD set high. It will default to 256, but I recommend 1024 (MB) if you can spare it. You can adjust this via the SDK and AVD Manager.





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