
html form-php question

This is my html form and below this i included my php text.

But I am not getting correct output,i don't no where the problem is ?

I also included the output ,please suggest me what shuld i do?

Entering data into text
Entering data into text
<form  action="text.php" method="post">
What is ur name ?

<input  type="text" name="data" />

<input type="submit" value="send" />

This is my php text:

Reading data from textfields
reading data from text field
Thanks for answering,
<?php echo $_POST["data"];?>


reading data from text field
Thanks for answering, 

problem is that ,data send is not included after response of sever please help me as fast as possible

I can only speak for my own experience, but this works on my server. I'd suggest, then, that one of the following is true:

  1. Your server isn't set up to handle php (though this would surprise me), also, as @gAMBOOKa noted (in the comments), if your server's not set up to handle php the script wouldn't output anything other than the raw text-contents of the php script, literally "<?php echo $_POST["data"];?>".
  2. You're trying to access the pages through the filesystem (file:///path/to/file.html), rather than through your server (http://localhost/file.html).

If '2' is correct, move your web-page and php script into a directory within your server's document root, on *nix this could be something like /var/www/directoryName/ and access the page via http://localhost/directoryName/dataEntryForm.html. If you're on Windows, with IIS it could be C:\inetPub\directoryName\ accessed, as above, with http://localhost/directoryName/dataEntryForm.html.

Incidentally, please forgive me for not linking to a demo of the page running, it's just that I'd prefer not to run the risk of exposing my server to, presumably, vulnerable scripts.

Your full code is like this and I tested it, working perfectly.

Entering data into text
Entering data into text
<form  action="text.php" method="post">
What is ur name ?

<input  type="text" name="data" />

<input type="submit" value="send" name="btn_save" />




Reading data from textfields
reading data from text field
Thanks for answering,
<?php echo $_POST["data"];?>

working perfectly.





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