IKVM java.util.List error in remapping to properties!
Domain: Public Transportation System
Language: Java Tool: IKVMI have a class Line
which has a list of Stop
A function getStops
returns a List<Stop>
I tried the following and it did not work!
<property name="Stops" sig="()[Lumple.pts.domain.coreEntities.Stop;">
<getter name="getStops" sig="()Ljava.util.List<umple.pts.domain.coreEntities.Stop>;" />
<setter name="setStops" sig="([Lumple.pts.domain.coreEntities.Stop;)Z" />
Also, there is another class EmergencyLine
which has just 1 extra property: Status
. How can inheritance be defined in IKVM, is it needed or not??
The Java VM bytecodes don't support generics (they are implemented by "erasure" by the javac compiler).
The getter signature should be the same as the property signature.
For the inheritance, you shouldn't need to do anything.