
Need advice on improving testability

I have developed a stack of web Services based on:

  • Spring ws 2.0 with jaxb2 maven plugin (to ease the pain).
  • Hibernate.
  • PostgResql.

We are using the following to test:

  • Junit test with Mockito.
  • Spring test for Dao & service layer.
  • The new Spring ws test & Smock api.
  • SoapUi Api for testing with their maven plugin.

We 开发者_开发问答have TracWiki for the wiki side.

All is fully automated in a maven build with Hudson, even the deployment of the webapp with cargo on distant server. We have 5 virtual servers on a single machine on Debian (using vserver).

We don't have a single performance test and we don't have any webapp tools to monitor.

What do you recommend to go a step further?

I'm really looking for new ways and/or tools to improve everything.

Incorporate Sonar into your builds. You will get lots of informations about your code.

I don't see you mentioning any code coverage tools. While coverage isn't everything, it can help finding the parts of your code which aren't covered by the tests (or perhaps even dead).





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