
ASIHTTPRequest on iPad: "The request timed out"

My application allows the user to download relatively large files (~120 MB) from my own dedicated server. I'm using the ASIHTTPRequest library for downloading.

It may sound weird, but everything worked fine until yesterday. I've tried downloading files countless times both from my app (on an iPad) and a Mac, and while on the Mac the download succeeds, on the iPad it randomly times out. Sometimes it goes until 100%, sometimes it reaches 30%-40% or something and then ASIHTTPRequest's downloadFailed: selector gets called. If I print out the error's localizedDescription, I get "The request timed out".

What could this mean? Could it be a problem of my 开发者_运维技巧app? Or a problem with my server, or my connection? I realize this could depend on several factors, so please ask me any information you need if necessary. Thanks.

I had weird network situations like timeouts on my ipad when using wifi that started after the upgrade to 4.2, but were intermittent.

Going to Settings -> General -> Reset Network settings and then reentering the wifi settings solved it for me.

(Also check that someone hasn't recently setup a new nearby wifi access point on the same channel as your network!)

Does your server have limit about the number of connections ? I encountered a problem because the number of connections are too much, then the server declines those connections. Then, they are time out.

Do you use WiFi or 3G connection? Non-WiFi connection allows to download files with maximum size of 20Mb only.





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