Jenkins/Hudson and Gallio Unit-Testing Integration
I am struggling to get it to run my tests. In the Execute Windows batch command on Jenkins, I have put the following command:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Gallio\bin\Gallio.Echo.exe" /report-type:Html /verbosity:quiet “Project.Tests\bin\Release\*.Tests.dll
It 开发者_StackOverflowdoesn't like the *.Tests.dll
bit, in that it says:
Cannot find directory containing file pattern Project.Tests\bin\Release\*.Tests.dll
My next question would be if I change the report-type to xml, is it straight forward to get my unit test reports published in hudson?
many thanks.
The following extract runs Gallio tests in a Windows Batch command build step (Download Gallio from)
"c:\Program Files\Gallio\bin\Gallio.Echo.exe" %WORKSPACE%\YourTestPro\bin\Debug\YourTestPro.dll /report-directory:%WORKSPACE%\TestResults /report-type:Xml /working-directory:%WORKSPACE%
To setup Jenkins report generation
- Add the Gallio Jenkins plugin to your Jenkins installation to publish the report
- In your project under the Add post project action build steps add the xUnit test result report
- Select the Add button that appears in the xUnit action step
- Select Gallio - N/A
- Add TestResults/*.xml to the Gallio N/A Pattern
You can use Maven plugin for .Net:
It takes care of Gallio command line generation: you can provide a filter :
Then, the Maven plugin generates the command line.
You also have a lot of advantages using maven: integration with Partcover/NCover, stylecop/fxcop/gendarme, etc.
OR you can make a MSBuild script for that:
<TestsDll Include="**\bin\$(Configuration)\*.Tests.dll" />
<Exec Command="Gallio.Echo.exe @(TestsDll, ' ')"/>
I am pretty sure you want to look into using the Gallio Plugin instead of using the execute windows batch command.