
How call the function that is in my main.mxml app from a as3 class in Flex

i write a sound playback class that stop the older sound and play the new sound.After that i need an extra method in this class that trigger when the sound play is complete.I successfully achieve this, but i need to 开发者_Python百科inform the main app (main.mxml) about the completion of that sound playing. How i do that ? Thanks in advance.

here is my sound playback class.

package com.m2b.data
    import flash.events.Event;
    import flash.media.Sound;
    import flash.media.SoundChannel;
    import flash.media.SoundMixer;
    import flash.net.URLRequest;

    import mx.controls.Alert;
public class SoundPlayback
    private var channel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
    private var sm:SoundMixer = new SoundMixer();
    public  var snds:Sound; 

    public function SoundPlayback()
        // constructor function
    /** call if need to close all previous sound and play new one **/
    public function playSound():void{
        // the StopAll method is used to close/shutdown all sound 
        // in that domin that are describe in that cross doamin
        // play the new sound.
        channel = snds.play();
        channel.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, soundcomplete);
    /** call when the new sound is play without stop old sounds**/
    public function playAllSound():void{
        // play the new sound.
        channel = snds.play();
        private function soundcomplete(e:Event):void{
            Alert.show('<<<< complete >>>>>>');

and here us the function that pass the sound obj as param to class and then call play sound method for playing sound.

//tahir - play the sound (close all previous sound and play new one)
private var soundPlayer:SoundPlayback = new SoundPlayback();
private function welcomePackage():void{

 soundPlayer.snds = loaderQueue.getSound('CV-welcome'+randomNumber(1,3));



The easiest way to do this, is with dispatching and listening to custom-events. You can read more here. But essentially, you're creating an event listener on your main class, and dispatching a custom event from your sound player.

Hope this helps.

You can create a function in your main.mxml as:

public function soundDone():void{
    Alert.show('<<<< complete >>>>>>');

and then modify your soundcomplete() function

private function soundcomplete(e:Event):void{

after some R & D on my problem i found the answer

That is you call the main application from any mxml component but in case of AS3 it is not valid.

i just made the channel class public and write the listener function in my main.mxml.

Thanks .





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