
spring mvc+ajax geting data on click

I have a form controller.Form element is a drop down box.

For eg there is user name form element.if user select his name .I want the children names to be loaded for particular user.

I have List getChildernByUser(User user);

Please would like to know how this can be made using jquery or ajax.开发者_运维技巧If user is selected in next form element he gets all his children to select .

In the server side, I'd use a controller method like this:

public @ResponseBody List<User> getChilden(@PathVariable String userId) { ... }

More info in this kind of controller methods can be found in the Spring reference doc. You'll also need the Jackson libraries in your /lib folder for Spring MVC to convert the bean to JSON.

Then, in your client code (HTML) you can use the getJSON() function to make an Ajax call and get a List of users in JSON format.

Good luck.





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