VIM: Automatically adding menu-items for scripts from a particular directory
I have a number of scripts (Ruby as it happens) I run from VIM, by setting up the startup file to contain (for instance):
amenu Ruby.script1 :%!ruby C:\ruby_scripts\script1.rb<cr><cr>
amenu Ruby.script2 :%!ruby C:\ruby_scripts\script2.rb<cr><cr>
What I would like to do, is to have VIM automatically check the C:\ruby_scripts
directory and assign menu items automatically - can t开发者_如何学运维his be done?
You can combine glob()
and exe
with something like this:
let dirname = 'c:/ruby_scripts'
for script in split(glob(dirname . '/*.rb'))
" Get the script name
let scriptname = fnamemodify(script, ':t:r')
let scriptfile = fnamemodify(script, ':p')
" Add the item to the menu
exe 'amenu Ruby.' . scriptname . ' :%!ruby ' . scriptfile . '<cr><cr>'
For more information, see:
:help glob()
:help split()
:help fnamemodify()
:help expand()
:help :exe
function! s:AddScript(dir, menuname)
let files = lh#path#GlobAsList(a:dir, "*.rb")
for f in files
let n = fnamemodify(f, ":t:r")
exe "anoremenu ".a:menuname.".".n." :%!ruby ".f."<cr><cr>"
call s:AddScript("c:/ruby_scripts", "Ruby")
NB: lh#path#GlobAsList comes from lh-vim-lib. With a substitute(), you shall be able to transform globpath() result to the string you'll then need to :execute.