Connect 4: Check for winner
In Delphi, I have a Connect 4 board representation (7 columns x 6 lines) in form of an array:
TBoard = Array[1..7, 1..6] of SmallInt;
Board: TBoard; // instance ob TBoard
Each element can have three different states:
- 1 = player 1's pieces
- 0 = empty
- -1 = player 2's pieces
Now I need a function which checks if there's a winner or a draw:
function CheckForWinner(): SmallInt;
... where 1 is player 1's win, 0 is a draw, -1 is player 2's win and "nil" is for a game which has not ended yet.
My draft is as follows - split into two single functions:
function CheckForWinner(): SmallInt;
var playerToCheck: ShortInt;
s, z: Byte;
draw: Boolean;
draw := TRUE;
for s := 1 to 7 do begin
for z := 1 to 6 do begin
if Board[s, z] = 0 then draw := FALSE; // if there are empty fields then it is no draw
if draw then beg开发者_如何学JAVAin
result := 0;
else begin
playerToCheck := Board[lastPieceX, lastPieceY]; // only for last-moving player
if searchRow(playerToCheck, +1, 0, lastPieceX, lastPieceY) then // search right/left
result := playerToCheck
else if searchRow(playerToCheck, 0, +1, lastPieceX, lastPieceY) then // search up/down
result := playerToCheck
else if searchRow(playerToCheck, +1, +1, lastPieceX, lastPieceY) then // search right-down/left-up
result := playerToCheck
else if searchRow(playerToCheck, +1, -1, lastPieceX, lastPieceY) then // search right-up/left-down
result := playerToCheck;
result := nil;
function searchRow(player: SmallInt; sChange, zChange: ShortInt; startS, startZ: Byte): Boolean;
var inRow, s, z: SmallInt;
inRow := 0;
s := startS;
z := startZ;
while (Board[s, z] = player) AND (inRow < 4) AND (s >= 1) AND (s <= 7) AND (z >= 1) AND (z <= 6) do begin
s := s+sChange;
z := z+zChange;
inRow := inRow+1;
s := startS-sChange;
z := startZ-zChange;
while (Board[s, z] = player) AND (inRow < 4) AND (s >= 1) AND (s <= 7) AND (z >= 1) AND (z <= 6) do begin
s := s-sChange;
z := z-zChange;
inRow := inRow+1;
if inRow = 4 then
result := TRUE
result := FALSE;
What do you think of this approach? Do you have a better (faster / shorter) solution?
Thank you very much!
I didn't read your code. I just elected to write some myself with a blank slate.
Here's my version:
RowCount = 6;
ColCount = 7;
TState = (stNone, stA, stB);
TBoard = array [1..RowCount] of array [1..ColCount] of TState;
function ValidLocation(Row, Col: Integer): Boolean;
Result := InRange(Row, 1, RowCount) and InRange(Col, 1, ColCount);
procedure Check(
const Board: TBoard;
const StartRow, StartCol: Integer;
const RowDelta, ColDelta: Integer;
out Winner: TState
Row, Col, Count: Integer;
State: TState;
Winner := stNone;
Row := StartRow;
Col := StartCol;
State := Board[Row, Col];
if State=stNone then
Count := 0;
while ValidLocation(Row, Col) and (Board[Row, Col]=State) do begin
if Count=4 then begin
Winner := State;
inc(Row, RowDelta);
inc(Col, ColDelta);
function Winner(const Board: TBoard): TState;
Row, Col: Integer;
for Row := 1 to RowCount do begin
for Col := 1 to ColCount do begin
Check(Board, Row, Col, 0, 1, Result);//check row
if Result<>stNone then
Check(Board, Row, Col, 1, 0, Result);//check column
if Result<>stNone then
Check(Board, Row, Col, 1, 1, Result);//check diagonal
if Result<>stNone then
Check(Board, Row, Col, 1, -1, Result);//check other diagonal
if Result<>stNone then
Result := stNone;
Big long pile of code. Uses brute force approach, not that performance matters for Connect 4. Don't like the four identical if Result<>stNone then exit;
lines, but you can surely think of a cleaner way. Code has not been run. It might not even work!! Just the way my brain attempted to solve the problem.
Checking for a winner in very much the same way as you do, only with a little less code. I think you wouldn't need to check all fields to determine if the game is done. Just increase a counter when you drop a piece in the game. The game is a draw if the counter reaches 42 and there is no winner yet.
function CheckRow(x, y, xd, yd: Integer): Boolean;
c: Integer;
function RowLength(x, y, xd, yd: Integer): Integer;
Result := 0;
Inc(x, xd);
Inc(y, yd);
until not ((x in [1..7]) and (y in [1..6]) and (Board[x, y] = c));
c := Board[x, y];
Result := 4 <= RowLength(x, y, xd, yd) + RowLength(x, y, xd*-1, yd*-1) - 1;
function CheckForWinner(x, y: Integer): Integer;
Result := 0;
if CheckRow(x, y, 0, 1) or CheckRow(x, y, 1, 1) or
CheckRow(x, y, 1, 0) or CheckRow(x, y, 1, -1) then
Result := Board[x,y];
Disclaimer: I haven't studied the algorithm in detail. The comments below are merely my first reactions after staring at the code for less than ten seconds.
I have some very quick remarks. First, I think
TCellState = (csUnoccupied, csPlayerA, csPlayerB)
TBoard = Array[1..7, 1..6] of TCellState;
is nicer. Of course, you can save compatibility with your old code by doing
TCellState = (csUnoccupied = 0, csPlayerA = 1, csPlayerB = -1)
draw := true;
for s := 1 to 7 do begin
for z := 1 to 6 do begin
if Board[s, z] = 0 then draw := false;
You don't need the begin
and end
draw := TRUE;
for s := 1 to 7 do
for z := 1 to 6 do
if Board[s, z] = 0 then
draw := false;
More importantly, as a gain in performance, you should break the loops as soon as you have set drawn
to false:
draw := true;
for s := 1 to 7 do
for z := 1 to 6 do
if Board[s, z] = 0 then
draw := false;
This will, however, only break the z
loop. To break both loops, the nicest way is to put the entire block above in a local function. Let's call it CheckDraw
function CheckDraw: boolean;
result := true;
for s := 1 to 7 do
for z := 1 to 6 do
if Board[s, z] = 0 then
Alternatively, you can use label
and goto
to break out of both loops at once.
I see now that you can just do
for s := 1 to 7 do
for z := 1 to 6 do
if Board[s, z] = 0 then
and you don't even need to introduce the draw
local variable!
End update
if inRow = 4 then
result := TRUE
result := FALSE;
is bad. You should do just
result := inRow = 4;
Finally, In my taste
s := s+sChange;
should be written
inc(s, sChange);
inRow := inRow+1
should be
Oh, and nil
is a pointer, not an integer.
The source code from the Fhourstones Benchmark from John Tromp uses a fascinating algorithm for testing a connect four game for a win. The algorithm uses following bitboard representation of the game:
. . . . . . . TOP
5 12 19 26 33 40 47
4 11 18 25 32 39 46
3 10 17 24 31 38 45
2 9 16 23 30 37 44
1 8 15 22 29 36 43
0 7 14 21 28 35 42 BOTTOM
There is one bitboard for the red player and one for the yellow player. 0 represents a empty cell, 1 represents a filled cell. The bitboard is stored in an unsigned 64 bit integer variable. The bits 6, 13, 20, 27, 34, 41, >= 48 have to be 0.
The algorithm is:
// return whether 'board' includes a win
bool haswon(unsigned __int64 board)
unsigned __int64 y = board & (board >> 6);
if (y & (y >> 2 * 6)) // check \ diagonal
return true;
y = board & (board >> 7);
if (y & (y >> 2 * 7)) // check horizontal
return true;
y = board & (board >> 8);
if (y & (y >> 2 * 8)) // check / diagonal
return true;
y = board & (board >> 1);
if (y & (y >> 2)) // check vertical
return true;
return false;
You have to call the function for the bitboard of the player who did the last move