
Show image from sql on non javascript link

Hi say of have a table of cars in my SQL database. That table has a column for the car make and a column called picture of type:

Picture(image, null)

I'm then displaying my cars in a repeater and so it might look like this:

<asp:Repeater id="carsRepeater" runat="server" DataSourceID="CarsDataSource>
        <asp:Label开发者_C百科 id="carMakeLabel" runat="Server" Text='<%# Eval("Make") %>' />
        Some how display a clickable image here

What I'm wanting is in column two to get the picture of the car to display and make it so you can click on that picture and it will run a method in the code behind. Also I have this requirement where the picture click method mustn't require javascript to run.

Can someone please give me an idea of how I would go about this?

I'm currently thinking about putting the image somehow in a link but I'm not sure how to display the image. Maybe the asp:Image but that requires an ImageUrl.

Try image button, it displays an image, doesn't require javascript and you can run a method on click event from code behind

Write an HTTPHandler (say CarImage.ashx) and in that handler, given ID of the image return the binary data with ContentType of image/gif (or whatever). Render an image tag in the datagrid with src as CarImage.ashx?ImageID=xxxxx. The process is described many place including this one.





验证码 换一张
取 消

