
Merging two table into single table JQuery

I have two separate table, I want to merge into a single table using JQuery. But the out put I am seeing is not the correct one. Any help regarding this will be appreciated.

Source Table

<table class="left-column">
 <table class="right-column">

Target Table

            <table class="left-column">
            <table class="right-column">

Jquery Code snippet

var leftTable=$('table.left-column').clone(); 
var rightTable=$('table.right-column').clone(); 
var newTable= $('div').append('<table><tr><td>')
return newTable;

If I understand correctly what you're trying to do, maybe something like this will work:

$('table.left-column').find('tr').each( function(i){
  $(this).append( $('table.right-column').find('tr').eq(i).find('td') ); 

Just do this:


Example: http://jsfiddle.net/6y4qt/

If you have other tables on the page, then replace:




How about:

var leftTable = $(".left-column tbody").html();
var rightTable = $(".right-column tbody").html();

var newTable = "<table></table>";
return newtable.append(leftTable).append(rightTable);

How about something like this (jsFiddle). This gives exactly the output you've requested in 3 short lines of code. (NOTE, this code actually MOVES the individual tables into the joined table instead of copying/cloning them.

$('div').html('<table border=1><tr><td id="cell1"></td><td id="cell2"></td></tr></table>');

Possibly a little more robust than you were looking for, but very reusable, here's a function that you can call and optionally pass a parent container to select tables within and the option to remove them from the page after processing them, but this will return to you all your tables in a combined structure like you specified.

function mergeTables(parent, remove){
    //if no parent is passed, default to body 
    if (!parent){
        parent = 'body';

    //place to store the full HTML string of all the combined tables
    var table_html = '<table><tr>';
    //go through all tables
        //add their HTML to our big HTML string
        table_html += '<td><table>' + $(this).html() + '</table></td>';
        //remove that table from the page
        if (remove){
    //close off and return the big HTML string
    return table_html + '</tr></table>';

//call example
$('#container').html( mergeTables('#container') );

You can't use "partial elements" like '<table><tr><td>'. Change the code to:

var leftTable  = $('table.left-column' ).clone();
var rightTable = $('table.right-column').clone();

var newTable   = $('div').append('<table><tr><td></td><td></td></tr></table>');
    newtable   = $('td:first', newtable).append(leftTable );
    newtable   = $('td:last' , newtable).append(rightTable); 




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