Counting in hibernate using Criteria without unnecessary inner joins
I am using criteria for counting number of rows. consider a class
class GroupMembership{
public Group Group{get;set;}
public Member Member{get;set;}
I have a criteria which fetches distinct members for each group as:
.CreateCriteria("Group", "grp")
.CreateAlias("this.CommunityMember", "CommunityMember")
.Add(Projections.CountDistinct("this.CommunityMember.Id"), "TotalMembers"))
Is there a way i can count without performing the inner join with the CommunityMember.
UPDATE: I am adding the SQLs generated from the query
SELECT this_.GroupId as y0_,
count(distinct communitym2_.CommunityMemberId) as y1_
FROM [GroupMembership] this_
inner join [CommunityMember] communitym2_
on this_.CommunityMemberId = communitym2_.CommunityMemberId
inner join [Group] grp1_
on this_.GroupId = grp1_.GroupId
GROUP BY this_.GroupId
As you can see we can easily avoid the inner join in the SQL. My question is whether the same can be done in criteria.
How about...