C# regular expression (replace)
Assume I have the string开发者_如何学运维:
I am looking to run a regex against it to only return 0-9 and the "," characters, essentially stripping anything else out.
I have looked at Regex.Replace, but something isn't quite right with it. My code below:
Regex reg = new Regex(@"[0-9,]+");
string input = reg.Replace(input, delegate(Match m)
return String.Empty;
How can I make this work?
Do you just want a ^
in that?
input = Regex.Replace(input, @"[^0-9,]+", "");
Would a match collection give you more control?
Using \d+[^,]
you can get a collection of digits?
You could then loop through your collection and recreate your desired string.
using linq you could do the following:
var input = "10,11,12,13,14,ABC,DEF,GHI,66";
Regex re = new Regex(@"\d+[^,]");
input = (from Match m in re.Matches(input) select m.Value).Aggregate("", (acc, item) => acc + "," + item).TrimStart(',');
How about this:
var testString = "10,11,12,13,14,ABC,DEF,GHI,66";
var split = testString.Split(',');
var result = String.Join(",", split.Where(element => element.All(c => Char.IsDigit(c))).ToArray());
I think that you may do it without regular expressions via analysis of what is required for your characters in set [0123456789,]