
wtpwebapps/myapp is empty when running Tomcat under Eclipse

I know that tomcat is running because when I type http://localhost, the tomcat page dispay. My problem is I can't figure out why the wtpwebapps/myapp is empty, is like the eclipse doesn't publ开发者_JAVA技巧ish it and when i type http://localhost/myapp, I get 404 error.

In the server overview :

  • Server Location is set to "Use Tomcat installation" | server path: the servers's folder | deploy path : wtpwebapps
  • Server Option : Publish module contexts to separate XML file
  • Publishing : Automatically publish when ressource change

I use eclipse Ganymede 3.4.2, tomcat 6.0, under Win7

Any help would be appreciated, thanks

your files must be somwhere, so start searching in:


I had a similar problem, when updating our project (.project and .classpath are checked in for convenience, but causes sometimes problems).

Console-Log in eclipse always says:

Error configuring application listener of class org.sth.ThisClass java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.sth.ThisClass

The reason was that $WORKSPACE_DIR/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp$NUMBER/wtpwebapps/$CONTEXT/WEB-INF/lib/classes was empty. The solution was to enter under Project Properties > Deployment Assembly an entry:

Source: /src

Deploy Path: WEB-INF/classes

If you use a Maven in your project, this is a solution for you:

  1. Delete the project(s) in the Eclipse.
  2. create project from Maven sources (select your workspace directory).
  3. Check found pom.xml to import.

Restart the Tomcat.

Try to look into servers explorer and it will show you what state is your application at and if its deployed.

Since I had difficulty finding where this "server overview" is, I like to add that you just double click on a server under the "servers" view. I kept on right click and look at the "Properties" and was not getting to this information.





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