Does the lift-json JValue class have the equivalent of the scala.xml.Node.text method?
When working with scala xml, I find the Node.text method extremely handy. It converts all types开发者_JS百科 of objects into a workable string, which can they cast to the data type you expect (and of course, explode for unexpected data).
Does the lift-json JValue class have a similar method?
I thinks the closest one to that function is 'values'. It returns the pure value wrapped in JValue.
scala> JInt(1).values
res0: BigInt = 1
scala> JString("1").values
res1: String = 1
scala> JBool(true).values
res2: Boolean = true
scala> JArray(List(JInt(1), JInt(2))).values
res3: List[Any] = List(1, 2)