removing #region
I had to take over a c# project. The guy who developed the software in the first place was deeply in love with #region
because he wrapped everything with regions.
It makes me almost crazy and I was looking for a tool or addon to remove all #region
from the project. Is there somethi开发者_Python百科ng around?
Just use Visual Studio's built-in "Find and Replace" (or "Replace in Files", which you can open by pressing Ctrl + Shift + H).
To remove #region
, you'll need to enable Regular Expression matching; in the "Replace In Files" dialog, check "Use: Regular Expressions". Then, use the following pattern: "\#region .*\n
", replacing matches with ""
(the empty string).
To remove #endregion
, do the same, but use "\#endregion .*\n
" as your pattern. Regular Expressions might be overkill for #endregion
, but it wouldn't hurt (in case the previous developer ever left comments on the same line as an #endregion
or something).
Note: Others have posted patterns that should work for you as well, they're slightly different than mine but you get the general idea.
Use one regex ^[ \t]*\#[ \t]*(region|endregion).*\n
to find both: region and endregion. After replacing by empty string, the whole line with leading spaces will be removed.
[ \t]*
- finds leading spaces
\#[ \t]*(region|endregion)
- finds #region or #endregion (and also very rare case with spaces after #)
- finds everything after #region or #endregion (but in the same line)
EDIT: Answer changed to be compatible with old Visual Studio regex syntax. Was: (question marks do not work for old syntax)^[ \t]*\#(end)?region.*\n
EDIT 2: Added [ \t]*
after # to handle very rare case found by @Volkirith
In Find and Replace use {[#]<region[^]*}
for Find what:
and replace it with empty string.
is simple enough to replace.
Should you have to cooperate with region lovers (and keep regions untouched ), then I would recommend "I hate #Regions" Visual Studio extension. It makes regions tolerable - all regions are expanded by default and #region directives are rendered with very small font.
For anyone using ReSharper it's just a simple Atr-Enter on the region line. You will then have the option to remove regions in file, in project, or in solution.
More info on JetBrains.
To remove #region with a newline after it, replace following with empty string:
^(?([^\r\n])\s)*\#region\ ([^\r\n])*\r?\n(?([^\r\n])\s)*\r?\n
To replace #endregion with a leading empty line, replace following with an empty string:
How about writing your own program for it, to replace regions with nothing in all *.cs files in basePath recursively ?
(Hint: Careful with reading files as UTF8 if they aren't.)
public static void StripRegions(string fileName, System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex re)
string input = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(fileName, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
string output = re.Replace(input, "");
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(fileName, output, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
public static void StripRegions(string basePath)
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex re = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"(^[ \t]*\#[ \t]*(region|endregion).*)(\r)?\n", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Multiline);
foreach (string file in System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(basePath, "*.cs", System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories))
StripRegions(file, re);
You can use the wildcard find/replace:
*\#region *
And replace with no value. (Note the #
needs to be escaped, as visual stuido uses it to match "any number")