
Book recommendation - Parallel programming for C# .NET 4.0 [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.

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I'm looking for a book which contains information about the following topics:

  • Thread synchronization methods
  • Parallel Extension
  • Asynchronouse programming (Invoke, BeginInvoke, BackgroundWorker, Threads, ...)

I've already knowledge about these topics but I'll refresh all these in deep and with focus on C#.

The book recommendations should be for C# / .NET 4.0 (not Java) and in English or German.

Thank you guys. Danny

I think Parallel Programming wiht .NET is exactly what you're looking for.

  • You can read it online in the MSDN library but it is also available as hardcopy.
  • It has a plenty of samples (that can be reused easily) in C#, VB and F#.
  • To read more about the F# versions, you can read my blog post series

    Book recommendation - Parallel programming for C# .NET 4.0 [closed]

Even though it is not specific to parallel programming, C# in a nutshell 4 is a decent reference to understand these concepts

Book recommendation - Parallel programming for C# .NET 4.0 [closed]

Another nice document comes from Microsoft:

  • Patterns for Parallel Programming: Understanding and Applying Parallel Patterns with the .NET Framework 4

C# 4.0 in a nutshell by o reilly publications






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