
How can I get a list of tables connected to each module in AX 09?

Can anyone tell me how to find the list of tables that are connected to eac开发者_运维技巧h module in AX 09?

I would really appreciate any insight on how to do this.

Kindly Help.

You can get a list of tables related to specific configuration keys by running following job:

static void FindTablesFromConfigKey(Args _args)
    // The name of the configuration key to be specified here
    str                     configKeyName   = "Prod";
    Dictionary              dictionary      = new Dictionary();
    ConfigurationKeyId      configKeyId     = dictionary.configurationKeyName2Id(configKeyName);
    TableId                 tableId;
    DictConfigurationKey    dictConfigurationKey;
    DictTable               dictTable;
    container               keyIds;
    int                     i;

    if (configKeyId)
        // Find all children of the specified configuration key
        for (i = dictionary.configurationKeyNext(0); i; i = dictionary.configurationKeyNext(i))
            dictConfigurationKey = new DictConfigurationKey(i);

            while (dictConfigurationKey.parentConfigurationKeyId())
                dictConfigurationKey = new DictConfigurationKey(dictConfigurationKey.parentConfigurationKeyId());

            if (dictConfigurationKey.id() == configKeyId)
                keyIds += i;

        // Find all tables that have an appropriate configuration key
        i = 0;
        for (tableId = dictionary.tableNext(0);tableId;tableId = dictionary.tableNext(tableId))
            dictTable = new DictTable(tableId);
            if (!dictTable.isMap() && !dictTable.isTmp() && !dictTable.isView())
                if (confind(keyIds, dictTable.configurationKeyId()))

    info(strfmt("%1 tables have configuration key '%2'", i, configKeyName));

You can use following configuration keys in the job:
LedgerBasic : General ledger
Bank : Bank
SysAdmin : Administration
LogisticsAdvanced : Logistics
LogisticsBasic : Trade
ProjBasic : Project
QuotationBasic : Quotations
AIF : Application Integration Framework
Currency : Currency
ReportingServices : Reporting Services
COSBaseModule : Cost accounting
Asset : Fixed assets
PBA_ProductBuilder : Product Builder
Req : Master planning
smmOutlook : Microsoft Office Outlook synchronisation
LedgerAdvanced : General ledger - advanced
Prod : Production Series I
WrkCtr : Resources
ProdRouting : Production Series II
SysDevelopmentXPP : X++ development
ProdShop : Production Series III
SMAManagement : Service management
SmmCRM : CRM Series
Event : Event
TradeAgreements : Trade agreements
AIFWebService : Application Integration Framework Web Services
Trv : Expense management
TradeInterCompany : Intercompany
SysDevelopmentMorphX : Development
ProjAdvanced : Project - advanced
WMSBasic : Warehouse Management I
WMSAdvanced : Warehouse Management II
KMBSC : Balanced Scorecard
EP : Enterprise Portal
HRMAdministration : Human Resource I
SysDatabaseLog : Database log
CSS : Customer Self-Service
SmmSM : Sales management
BankElectronicBanking : Electronic Banking
ESS : Employee Self-Service
BAS : Business analysis
PurchReq : Purchase Requisition
InventQualityManagement : Quality management
COSPlanCostCalc : Flexible Budgeting
SMASubscription : Subscription
JmgPayroll : Shop Floor Control - Pay generation
HRMCollaborative : Human Resource III
CRSECountry : Country/Regional specific features
JmgJob : Shop Floor Control - Job registration
SIG : Electronic signature
LedgerAdvanced2 : General ledger - advanced II
HRMManagement : Human Resource II
KMBPM : Business Process Management
KMQuestionnaireBasic : Questionnaire I
Jmg : Shop Floor Control
SmmTM : Telemarketing
SmmMA : Marketing automation
KMQuestionnaireAdvanced : Questionnaire II

Check this link for the ExtractTablesNamesFromConfigs class which is improvised and automates the process of exporting the tables to multiple text files as per the configuration keys. There are around 207 keys and details provided here http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/320272/Extract-All-tables-from-Dynamics-AX-Data-Dictionar





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