
Oracle Forms 10g - Closing IE after opening msg file

We are using web.show_document built-in in Oracle forms (web.show_document('file:///file_name','_blank') ) to open outlook msg files stored at a location.

While opening msg files, a new IE browse开发者_开发知识库r gets open along with msg file. User need to close this additional browser.

I infer that you do not wish the separate IE browser to be opened in the first place? If that is the case, then there is another option than what I present below. Read on.

Option 1:

From the Forms documentation, the target ("_blank") parameter has a few different possible values.

target  Datatype is VARCHAR2. Specifies one of the following targets:

  • '_self' Causes the document to load into the same frame or window as the source document.
  • '_parent' Causes the target document to load into the parent window or frameset containing the hypertext reference. If the reference is in a window or top-level frame, it is equivalent to the target _self.
  • '_top' Causes the document to load into the window containing the hypertext link, replacing any frames currently displayed in the window.
  • '_blank' (default) Causes the document to load into a new, unnamed top-level window.

Note that these targets are lowercase and enclosed in single quotation marks.

Option 2:

If you would rather not have an IE window open up at all, there is a package in WEBUTIL.PLL called WEBUTIL_HOST. It would allow you to open a file from the perspective of the client. I am going out on a limb here an making an assumption that the URI you mentioning as 'file:///file_name' is a file path that is likely accessible from the client already. Hope this helps, I made a few assumptions here. If you provide some more info on the specific situation, that would be helpful.





验证码 换一张
取 消

